My husband and I live in Illinois with our rat terrier, Wilson, and a cat, Archer.
I have twenty-five years of experience in graphic design. I have worked for:
• Blick Art Materials (Currently Senior Packaging Designer)
• Jefferson County Public Library (near Denver)
• The Coleman Company (Denver)
• The American Red Cross in New Mexico (Albuquerque)
• Sanford Corporation - Brands are Sharpie, Rubbermaid, Papermate, Expo, Uniball (Oakbrook, IL)
• National University of Health Sciences (Lombard, IL).
My degree from the University of Northern Iowa was in graphic design and painting. I have been painting longer than design, and for the last four years I have primarily used gouache paint. My debut novel "Ghosts of Pino Altos" is represented by a literary agent.